The last weekend in June holds a very special place in the hearts of many. The mosquitoes are slowing down. Water temperatures are warming up. Bass fishing season is upon us!
By this time female bass have abandoned their shallow spawning areas for summer hunting grounds, and the males, who have spent the last several weeks guarding and protecting the fragile eggs and nests are hungry. Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass are amazing predators who are willing to smash most baits presented to them. Hang on to your rod and set that drag. Surface water acrobatics, powerful runs and, if you enjoy it as most do, tender gently flavoured meat at the end of the day.
Fishing in the Parry Sound District and other parts of Ontario means purchasing a fishing license. They can be found in bait shops such as Diver’s Nook, Canadian Tire stores or your local Ministry of Natural Resources office. Live bait, imitation bait and hard plastic lures all work well under various conditions.
There are many ways to go after these voracious, tasty water dwellers. You can hire a charter boat such as Parry Sound Fishing Charter for some guided action, fly-in to a remote lake for a day of fishing with Georgian Bay Airways, or try it on your own and rent a boat from operations such as Georgian Bay Marina. In the end, most lodges, resorts and cabin rentals include a boat or at the very least a dock with some waterfront to cast into.
Whether young or old, in good health or not, there is a pre-historic feeling built into most of us to challenge the denizens of the deep to a contest of skill with the reward being dinner itself.
Best of Luck!